
Smoking is a very controversial topic, people who don't smoke constantly berate people who, and quite frankly I can't think of a reason not too. Smokers will say that it mostly calms them, but that's not the case, well I don't believe it is. Smoking is more about getting to control an aspect of your life, let me elaborate. Smokers are deliberately giving themselves addiction to have the control of easing the urge any moment they want. What it boils down to is chasing after the feeling you get when a pain alleviates. It's a moment of relaxation and satisfaction, because it tricks your brain into thinking you delivered your body an essential ingredient for survival, hence it rewards you. It's a good way of tricking your brain into focusing on what you want it to focus on, if you promise it in this case nicotine after a certain task is completed, it will put more resources into completing that task. What I'm doing is not trying to say that smoking is okay, quite the opposite it's a dangerous habit that can lead to cancer and ultimately death. What I'm doing is clearing up the main reason why people smoke, because understanding and accepting the course and the first step to solving the issue.